Pink Your Drink has breast cancer organizations seeing red

Pink Your Drink has many seeing red. CC by citymama/Flickr


Hawking pink merchandise to go with all the pink ribbons on Cancer of the breast Awareness Month is not out of the ordinary. However when it comes to hawking pink alcohol like Mike’s Hard Lemonade is doing, there’s a problem. USA Today reports that Mike’s Hard Pink Lemonade is now on shelves. True, the beverage maker is contributing a portion of sales to breast cancer research. Yet calls of hypocrisy are within the air. Both the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have made it clear in their literature that even moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can contribute to the development of cancer of the breast.


Should you pink your drink, think about the cancer possibility


Pink clothes, pink make-up and even pink automobiles are well and good for Breast cancer Consciousness Month, but Mike’s Hard Pink Lemonade gives many pause. Mike’s is not alone. You will find others coming out with pink alcoholic beverages. Due to Cancer of the breast Recognition Month, accounts, things such as pink champagne, pink wine and pink vodka are being marketed by other businesses. If the ultimate goal is to sell product, then telling individuals to “pink their drink” in support of cancer of the breast may be a great idea. Unfortunately, it really is just a poor choice to tell people to drink alcoholic beverages who have cancer of the breast as it does not help.

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